Gilbert the Gull

- Entertainment
- Zootherapy
In our team, I’m the one who…
Enjoys the roof of the building the most!
Outside work, I’m often…
Hanging out with friends at the beach.
If I was an animal from the maritime regions of Québec, I’d be…
Did you read over your questions before interviewing me? Ask me what human I’d be instead!
(I dream of being Ryan Gosling, actually. There, I’ve admitted it!)
If I was a hashtag, I’d be…
One day I’ll visit…
To be honest, I have no interest in ever leaving the maritime regions of Québec. Life is too good here!
In my suitcase, you’ll always find…
Antacids. I sometimes have trouble with my digestion…
I confess, I really love…
My work colleagues! They’re so funny!
The one food I can’t live without is…
Seafood! Good thing I live near the St. Lawrence! And yes, I’ll admit I visit a certain fast-food joint every now and then too!
It can be annoying, but I have a habit of…
Spying on my colleagues through the window!
I often say…
Squawk squawk squawk! Squawk squawk! Squawk! Squawk squawk squawk squawk!