Marie-Eve Lagacé
- Services to associated tourism businesses and sites
- Structuring the tourism offer
At work, I particularly love…
Collaborating with passionate colleagues and tourism partners! We live in such a beautiful part of the country with such unique attractions and businesses, it’s a source of pride to be able to promote them outside the province of Québec.
In our team, I’m the one who…
Is often at the coffee machine. Not because I like to slack off and gossip but because I’m addicted!
Outside work, I’m often…
With my daughter, in a café, reading or drawing. I also love to sing and strum my guitar (or ukulele).
If I was an animal from the maritime regions of Québec, I’d be…
A salmon from the Matapédia River because I always return to my birthplace! I have a deep attachment to this magnificent corner of Gaspésie, where my family still lives.
One day I’ll visit…
Prague. This city has been calling me for a long time. Its architecture, its romantic appeal, its artistic and intellectual life fascinate me. One day I’ll spend some time exploring its streets…
In my suitcase, you’ll always find…
A jewellery box with all my earrings. I have way too many, in all colours and shapes (unicorns, emoticons, flowers, etc.). I travel with them so I can decide which ones fit my mood every morning!
One of my favourite parts of the maritime regions of Québec is…
All the wonderful places to go hiking, whether in the mountains or along the shores of the St. Lawrence. I love being outdoors surrounded by nature.
I confess, I really love…
My cat and my rabbit! I go on and on about them to my colleagues, sharing photos, videos and (sometimes somewhat lame) stories about their daily lives. But I swear, they’re soooo cute!
The one food I can’t live without is…
Barbecue-flavoured sunflower seeds, another one of my addictions… And for something a bit fancier, I’d say salmon in all its variations: smoked, tartar, baked in foil on the barbecue… Hmmm, this is making me hungry!
I’m particularly proud of…
My daughter, who is growing up before my eyes: she constantly surprises me with her comebacks and unique way of looking at the world.
I often say…
“Dear” when talking to someone. It’s a Gaspesian thing!