The Québec maritime Blog

Discover Our Regions

Top 3 Wildlife Photos on Instagram

   |   By Marie-Eve Lagacé

The maritime regions of Québec teem with wildlife! Visitors and residents alike often have the pleasure of observing animals of all sizes. We recently put out a call for your Instagram photos in our newsletter and on social media: here then is our selection of the top three wildlife photos taken in our regions.

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What to See and Do on Vacation in Rimouski

   |   By Nathalie Le Coz

Located on the banks of the St. Lawrence and offering both urban and nature experiences as well as a vibrant cultural life, Rimouski is an appealing vacation destination. It is a land of contrasts, a dream destination where you can lose yourself in new cultural discoveries or find yourself in nature!

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10 Natural Sites to Explore

   |   By Jean-Pascal Côté

Perfect for relaxing, outdoor activities or discovery, many natural sites await you in every corner of the maritime regions of Québec. Take a stroll at a leisurely pace, and let yourself be carried away by their amazing beauty. Here are our suggestions!

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5 Good Reasons to Motorcycle in the Maritime Regions of Québec

   |   By Alain Samson

I’m no specialist in the field of tourism, but I’ve been a motorcycle enthusiast for over 40 years. I love riding near where I live, in Eastern Québec, but also going on road trips to explore new areas. Here are my top five reasons to motorcycle in Gaspésie, Bas-Saint-Laurent, Côte-Nord and the Îles de la Madeleine.

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What to See and Do on Vacation in the Îles de la Madeleine

   |   By Nathalie Le Coz

Rising out of the middle of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and at the mercy of the wind, the Îles de la Madeleine are a hilly, green archipelago surrounded by rugged red cliffs and white sand beaches. Even in the hollow of a small valley, it’s impossible to escape the sea air on the Islands (not that you’d want to!).

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