The Québec maritime Blog

natural sites

National Parks and Natural Sites: 4 Experiences Not to Miss

   |   By Anne-Josée Pineau

Much to the delight of outdoor enthusiasts, the maritime regions of Québec are home to wide-open, unspoiled natural spaces, including 10 national parks and a wide variety of exceptional natural sites. Are you planning a trip to Bas-Saint-Laurent, Gaspésie, Côte-Nord and/or the Îles de la Madeleine? Here are four experiences you won’t want to miss!

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12 Natural Sites for Outdoor Lovers to Discover in Our Regions

   |   By Nathalie Katinakis

Home to many natural sites worth exploring, Eastern Québec provides an incredible playground for all your outdoor adventures. Let yourself be charmed by the diversity of landscapes in our regions, from rugged coastlines and vast forests to majestic mountains. Here is a glimpse of the natural treasures that await you on your next getaway to our fascinating destinations!

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En Route to Percé

   |   By Nathalie Katinakis

An iconic destination in the region of Gaspésie, Percé is known worldwide as the home of legendary Percé Rock, which features an impressive stone arch that’s 15 metres (50 feet) high. This natural wonder is a popular attraction that’s sure to impress you: your first sight of this limestone behemoth as you drive into Percé is guaranteed to give you goosebumps! It’s also the perfect culmination to a road trip to this picturesque coastal area that welcomes thousands of visitors every year.

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Wow-Provoking Panoramic Views in Eastern Québec!

   |   By Marie-Eve Lagacé

The sea, rivers, lakes, mountains, fields… Vast natural landscapes are found throughout the maritime regions of Québec, much to the delight of outdoor enthusiasts as well as those seeking peace and relaxation. It can be hard to figure out the best places to go to see the most beautiful views, which is why we’ve prepared this list to get you started!

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Natural Environment Protectors

   |   By Marie-Eve Lagacé

Wide open spaces, pristine landscapes stretching as far as the eye can see, rich and fascinating ecosystems… the regions of Eastern Québec have much to offer to those who wish to reconnect with nature. But for these natural environments to remain as extraordinary as they are, they must be protected. Here are portraits of four people who are committed to this work.

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The St. Lawrence: What to See

   |   By Marie-Eve Lagacé

In Bas-Saint-Laurent, Gaspésie, Côte-Nord and the Îles de la Madeleine, one of the most significant features of the landscape is the St. Lawrence, which will wow you at every turn. See stunning maritime scenery in Eastern Québec as you discover various facets of this immense waterway (known to locals as the sea) that adds so much to the picture-perfect beauty of our regions!

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20 Beaches to Visit in Eastern Québec

   |   By Marie-Eve Lagacé

Beaches are synonymous with summer vacation! Eastern Quebec is home to many superb seaside spots where you can bask in the sun, have fun or simply relax. Here are 20 beaches for you to discover, depending on your itinerary and what you’re looking for.

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