The Québec maritime Blog

Discover Our Regions

Meet the 3 First Nations in Eastern Québec

   |   By Marie-Ève Blanchard

The maritime regions of Québec are home to three First Nations peoples, each with their own distinct identity, way of life, history and language: the Innu in Côte-Nord, the Mi’gmaq in Gaspésie and the Wolastoqiyik in Bas-Saint-Laurent. To visit these communities is to embark on a journey into the heart of centuries-old cultures and discover vibrant traditions, practices and belief systems.

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Why Visit the Îles de la Madeleine Early in the Season

   |   By Julie Soyez

Have you been dreaming of visiting the Îles de la Madeleine one day? So far and yet so close at the same time, these magical islands are unique in every way, not least because of their spectacular scenery. In this blog post, I’m inviting you to discover this archipelago in the soft spring light of May and June, a time of year that offers many opportunities for authentic experiences.

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Explore UNESCO Sites in Eastern Québec

   |   By Québec maritime

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) gives World Heritage status to places or properties around the world considered to be of outstanding value to humanity. The organization also designates other types of sites, such as global geoparks and biosphere reserves. All three designations are found in the maritime regions of Québec.

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What to Visit in Our Regions: 8 of Québec’s Most Beautiful Villages

   |   By Anne-Josée Pineau

As you travel throughout the maritime regions of Québec, you’ll come across many charming villages, each with a history worth discovering. But did you know that there’s an association of the most beautiful villages of Québec, which has the mission to promote the architectural and historical heritage of these villages as well as the quality of their landscapes? The criteria for being part of this association include a population under 8000, at least one classified heritage building and a few recognized heritage buildings, exceptional scenery and nearby tourist attractions. Here then are eight villages in our regions that meet all these requirements and more!

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Our Regions Seen from Above

   |   By Anthony Lepage

Québec by the Sea covers an immense territory, and each of its four regions has its own distinct characteristics. Discover the spectacular scenery that awaits you here with these magnificent views from above that will give you an idea of the vastness of our natural playground.

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