The Québec maritime Blog

Odds and Ends

Souvenirs from Your Summer Vacation (Part 2)

   |   By Marie-Eve Lagacé

The maritime regions of Québec are a huge outdoor playground! During your summer vacation, a hike or sea outing in our regions will give you the opportunity to make all kinds of exciting discoveries while surrounded by stunning scenery. Can you picture yourself in the photos below?

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3 Lighthouses to Discover in the Îles de la Madeleine

   |   By Nathalie Katinakis

What would island life be like without lighthouses, those majestic maritime guardians that dot the coast? In the Îles de la Madeleine, they have been part of the landscape since the 19th century and have prevented many shipwrecks off this archipelago in the middle of the perilous Gulf of St. Lawrence.

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Souvenirs from Your Summer Vacation (Part 1)

   |   By Marie-Eve Lagacé

In the summer, there are so many activities to choose from in the maritime regions of Québec—and you can count on the surrounding scenery to wow you at every turn! For example, no matter which region you visit, the sky at sunset offers unforgettable sights. Consider these four Instagram photos as proof!

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8 Souvenirs to Take Home from Gaspésie

   |   By Anne-Josée Pineau

The Gaspé Peninsula is home to many creative and passionate foodies and artisans. Meet some of them during your next vacation and take home something they’ve made as a souvenir of your trip! Here are eight places you’ll want to discover.

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8 Souvenirs to Take Home from Côte-Nord

   |   By Anne-Josée Pineau

Côte-Nord culture is a blend of Innu traditions and the heritage of European settlers. This combination is reflected in regional flavours and inspires local artisans. Here are some suggestions for places to visit and items you could take home with you!

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