The Québec maritime Blog

What to Do

Discover Our National Parks in the Fall!

   |   By Anne-Josée Pineau

In the maritime regions of Québec, fall is a prime time of year for outdoor activities, which means it’s a great season to visit our national parks! Milder temperatures, colourful landscapes and abundant wildlife make for a fun and memorable stay. Here’s an overview of what awaits you in our parks.

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Fall TLDG in Gaspésie: An Amazing Human Adventure!

   |   By Olivier Pierson

The Fall TDLG is first and foremost an amazing human adventure! It’s an opportunity to get back to the essentials, spent beautiful moments in nature with others and share good vibes. This festive outdoor adventure offers hikers the opportunity to trek for a week on seaside and mountain trails in Gaspésie.

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Anticosti Island: A Captivating Vacation Destination

   |   By Olivier Pierson

A wild island at the heart of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Anticosti captivates visitors with spectacular scenery and fascinating history. It’s impossible to resist the natural charm of this jewel of Côte-Nord! This unofficial sanctuary for white-tailed deer is also a true paradise for nature lovers, who can explore a cave with a fun name, admire stunning canyons and swim in crystal-clear waters.

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Ideas for Your Vacation in Gaspésie

   |   By Nathalie Le Coz

Driving around the Gaspé Peninsula on Route 132 is a classic road trip, a dream vacation that you know in advance will be unforgettable, in intimate contact with the sea that bathes the 900 kilometres of coastline surrounding this region of warm and friendly people.

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Ideas for Your Vacation in Côte-Nord

   |   By Nathalie Le Coz

A trip to Côte-Nord is an opportunity to see for yourself how immense the province of Québec really is. Spanning from Tadoussac to Blanc-Sablon along the north shore of the St. Lawrence, this region is home to 1250 kilometres of coastline, broken by the mouths of wide and powerful rivers.

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