The Québec maritime Blog

What to Do

Giants Built by Humans

   |   By Marie-Eve Lagacé

Did you know that over 97% of the electricity produced in Québec is from renewable sources? During your stay in Côte-Nord, find out more about the history of electricity in Québec by visiting immense hydroelectric dams.

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A Vast Cultural Mosaic

   |   By Jean-Marie Fallu

Settlement in the maritime regions of Québec was based on geographic location and coveted natural resources. Over time, people came from just about everywhere to settle on the shores of the Estuary ad Gulf of St. Lawrence, hoping for a better future. Discover the vast cultural mosaic that makes up our regions!

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Watch the Spring and Fall Bird Migrations

   |   By Mikaël Jaffré

Due to their geographical location, the maritime regions of Québec see a high concentration of various types of birds. Here are some great places to go bird watching in the maritime regions of Québec during the migratory periods in the spring and fall.

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What Do You Know about Atlantic Puffins?

   |   By Sébastien Cyr

The Atlantic or common puffin, nicknamed “sea parrot” or “clown of the sea,” is a seabird in the auk family that is only found in the northern hemisphere. By travelling to our regions, you will have the opportunity to observe this bird in Côte-Nord and the Îles de la Madeleine.

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Snorkelling with Salmon: A Unique Vacation Experience!

   |   By Marie-Eve Lagacé

I grew up near salmon rivers, where I used to swim, canoe and kayak. I know these rivers, or at least I thought I did! Spending a day with Jesse Alain of Nature Aventure was an eye-opener: I realized just how rich these ecosystems are. There’s so much to learn about salmon behaviour and habitat!

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Wildlife Observation in the Maritime Regions of Québec

   |   By Marine Grimaud

Before I came to Québec for the first time, I’d made a list of all the things I wanted to do during my year of study in Matane, in Gaspésie. I was very impressed by the variety of wildlife found on this territory. What I didn’t anticipate was the awe I would feel seeing these animals.

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