The Québec maritime Blog


5 Surprising Facts about Rivière-du-Loup

   |   By Anne-Josée Pineau

Located in Bas-Saint-Laurent, Rivière-du-Loup and the surrounding area are a destination that combines nature, culture and history, offering you a memorable stay by the sea. Would you like to discover this area during your next vacation? Here are five facts about Rivière-du-Loup that may surprise you!

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Wildlife Observation in the Maritime Regions of Québec

   |   By Marine Grimaud

Before I came to Québec for the first time, I’d made a list of all the things I wanted to do during my year of study in Matane, in Gaspésie. I was very impressed by the variety of wildlife found on this territory. What I didn’t anticipate was the awe I would feel seeing these animals.

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Rivière-du-Loup: A Little Known Whale-Watching Area

   |   By Le Québec maritime

Jean-Pierre Sylvestre is a marine wildlife biologist and photojournalist, who divides his time between the St. Lawrence River, Argentina and Antarctica in pursuit of his passion: whales. We asked Jean-Pierre to share why he so loved spending his summers working as a guide on the Croisières AML whale-watching cruise ship based in Rivière-du-Loup. This is what he had to say.

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