The Québec maritime Blog

8 Cafés in Eastern Québec to Add to Your Itinerary

   |   By Annick Beauchemin

Whether it’s a cool day or bright and sunny out, there’s nothing like a good cup of hot or iced coffee to keep you going as you travel throughout Eastern Québec. Here are eight great spots to stop for your daily dose of caffeine during your road trip in our regions. Be prepared to meet friendly and passionate people and enjoy excellent beverages!

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The Lighthouse Trail

   |   By Tanya Paquet

By travelling from one lighthouse to the next, you’ll discover beautiful sites overlooking the sea, many of which were once only accessible to the lightkeepers and their families. The Lighthouse Trail invites you to visit nearly 20 of these sentinels of the sea.

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Where to See Whales in Côte-Nord

   |   By Jean-Pierre Sylvestre, Le Québec maritime

The Côte-Nord region is recognized as one of the best places in the world to see marine mammals. Follow the Whale Route from Tadoussac to Blanc-Sablon, and you may observe up to 13 different species of whales! To help you plan your vacation, here are some observation sites you won’t want to miss in this region.

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6 Picnic Spots in the Îles de la Madeleine

   |   By Annick Beauchemin

The Îles de la Madeleine are an ever-popular destination for lovers of wide-open spaces and local flavours from the land and sea. Not surprisingly, the Islands offer a multitude of ideal settings for memorable picnics. As you explore the region, you’ll have no trouble finding THE perfect spot! Keep reading to discover the best places to purchase picnic fixings and where to enjoy outdoor feasts on this archipelago. Are you ready to hit the road?

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6 Picnic Spots in Côte-Nord

   |   By Annick Beauchemin

A renowned whale-watching destination, Côte-Nord also offers a diversity of landscapes to admire. Finding a good picnic spot is easy since there are so many beautiful parks and rest areas throughout the region. Set off on a road trip adventure along the Whale Route and let yourself be guided by your instincts. You’ll find all the picnic fixings you’ll need in the lovely shops you’ll come across along the way. Now all you need to do is get ready to hit the road!

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