Have you ever dreamed of sleeping in the middle of the St. Lawrence? Of being woken by the blow of whales or by cooing common eiders? Your dream can come true on Pot à l'Eau-de-Vie (Brandy Pot) Island and Île aux Lièvres (Hare Island)!
Establishment numbers: 273302 (lighthouse), 273313 (inn) and 222367 (campground)
Opening dates
June to October
Room capacity
- 3 rooms in the lighthouse
- 7 cottages
- 9 rooms in the inn
- 25 wilderness campsites
Payment methods
Types of lodging offered
Outdoor equipment
- Firewood for sale
How to get there
Take Highway 20 (exit 507) or Route 132 and follow the signs for the Rivière-du-Loup/Saint-Siméon ferry. Take the entrance marked “Club nautique / Excursions et croisières” (after the traffic lights at the ferry terminal).
Affiliations and distinctions
- Tourisme Bas-Saint-Laurent