The Québec maritime Blog

maritime heritage

Seaside Historic and Heritage Sites Worth Visiting

   |   By Jean-Pascal Côté

Fishing, navigation, historic battles, the fur trade… The maritime regions of Québec boast a rich history and natural heritage that are directly tied to the St. Lawrence. Many of the historic and heritage sites located in the coastal areas of these regions recount different chapters of this history. Here are a few sites to add to your itinerary!

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Top 3: Your Best Photos of Cultural Discoveries on Instagram

   |   By Marie-Eve Lagacé

A vacation in our regions offers many opportunities to capture magical moments, memorable encounters and cultural discoveries of all kinds. Eastern Quebec is known for its rich maritime heritage, which you can discover during your next visit! In the meantime, here’s our top three of your best photos inspired by our culture.

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Culture and Discoveries: 6 Fun Outing Ideas!

   |   By Marie-Eve Lagacé

A visit to the maritime regions of Québec is an opportunity to meet people and discover their culture and rich maritime heritage. You’ll be amazed by all that our regions have to offer. Here are some ideas for outings to include in your vacation plans this summer!

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A Vast Cultural Mosaic

   |   By Jean-Marie Fallu

Settlement in the maritime regions of Québec was based on geographic location and coveted natural resources. Over time, people came from just about everywhere to settle on the shores of the Estuary ad Gulf of St. Lawrence, hoping for a better future. Discover the vast cultural mosaic that makes up our regions!

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