The Québec maritime Blog

sea kayaking

The St. Lawrence: What to Do

   |   By Marie-Eve Lagacé

The wide-open spaces in Bas-Saint-Laurent, Gaspésie, Côte-Nord and the Îles de la Madeleine are often said to be immense natural playgrounds. Without a doubt, this also applies to the St. Lawrence, the majestic waterway that connects these beautiful regions and offers so many opportunities for fun!

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Bas-Saint-Laurent: A Mecca for Sea Kayakers

   |   By Le Québec maritime

Jean Létourneau came back to this region to go to university. To pay for his studies, he started a kayaking company to guide tourists on the St. Lawrence. “The best job of my life,” he said, which inspired him to participate actively in the creation of the St. Lawrence Water Trail, a network of navigable waterways in Québec for small crafts.

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Camping and Kayaking: A Winning Combination in Les Bergeronnes

   |   By Anne Pélouas

I didn’t really believe my friend when he told me, just before I left for a weekend of camping and kayaking in Les Bergeronnes in Côte-Nord: “You’ll see, you’ll hear the whales from your tent!” Fall colours were spreading across the Manicouagan landscape and all along the Whale Route, punctuating the boreal forest with golden hues.

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