The Québec maritime Blog

wind sports

There’s No Such Thing as Bad Weather in Eastern Québec!

   |   By Julie Soyez

Your suitcases are packed, you’re feeling excited about your upcoming trip to Eastern Québec, but then you see a disappointing weather forecast… What if we told you that wind, unusual tides, fog and even snowstorms could make your stay in our regions even more memorable? Would you believe it…?

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The St. Lawrence: What to Do

   |   By Marie-Eve Lagacé

The wide-open spaces in Bas-Saint-Laurent, Gaspésie, Côte-Nord and the Îles de la Madeleine are often said to be immense natural playgrounds. Without a doubt, this also applies to the St. Lawrence, the majestic waterway that connects these beautiful regions and offers so many opportunities for fun!

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Éric Marchand: Wind in His Sails

   |   By Le Québec maritime

In the late 1990s, Éric Marchand opened Aérosport, Canada’s first kitesurfing school, in the Îles de la Madeleine. Today, he continues to promote kiting sports, and his school has earned an excellent reputation.

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