The Québec maritime Blog


My 5 Favourite Things about Côte-Nord

   |   By Nathalie Katinakis

How can you not fall under the spell of Côte-Nord when you contemplate the region’s vast territory, pristine wilderness and beautiful sites? Spectacular scenery, unusual discoveries and relaxing hikes awaited me at every turn. Here are my five favourite things (so far!) about this region.

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Top 3 Wildlife Photos on Instagram

   |   By Marie-Eve Lagacé

The maritime regions of Québec teem with wildlife! Visitors and residents alike often have the pleasure of observing animals of all sizes. We recently put out a call for your Instagram photos in our newsletter and on social media: here then is our selection of the top three wildlife photos taken in our regions.

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Wildlife Observation in the Maritime Regions of Québec

   |   By Marine Grimaud

Before I came to Québec for the first time, I’d made a list of all the things I wanted to do during my year of study in Matane, in Gaspésie. I was very impressed by the variety of wildlife found on this territory. What I didn’t anticipate was the awe I would feel seeing these animals.

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