The Québec maritime Blog

Julie Aubé

A nutritionist, writer and lecturer, Julie Aubé has an insatiable curiosity and great enthusiasm for everything related to food. Over the years, she has developed a keen interest in agritourism and food tourism, because for her, eating well is not limited to the flavours and nutritional qualities of food—it also means taking an interest in the origins of food as well as in food producers and artisans. She visits and savours the maritime regions of Québec every year, if not every season!


Savour the Unique Flavours of Gaspésie

   |   By Julie Aubé

Between sea breezes and wild forests, remote mountains and lively fishing harbours, cultivated fields and colourful villages, Gaspésie is home to a wide variety of landscapes that provide a wide range of locally grown and locally produced food.

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Savour the Unique Flavours of Côte-Nord

   |   By Julie Aubé

Côte-Nord is a land of nature beyond measure where you’ll find endless wild beaches, legendary archipelagos featuring rocks shaped by the sea, mighty rivers, peat bogs, whales and birds as well as the boreal forest and the taiga… wide-open spaces filled with fresh air and unique flavours to discover!

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Savour the Unique Flavours of Bas-Saint-Laurent

   |   By Julie Aubé

The capital of spectacular sunsets, Bas-Saint-Laurent is not only home to beautiful landscapes that will awaken your senses and imagination: its unforgettable flavours are sure to delight your taste buds and create amazing foodie memories.

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Savour the Flavours of Eastern Québec in the Fall

   |   By Julie Aubé

In the fall, the maritime regions of Québec offer you lots of wide-open space, colourful landscapes, invigorating fresh air and comfort as well as unique and unforgettable gourmet experiences! What a beautiful backdrop to enjoy the harvest season!

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13 Flavours to Discover in Eastern Québec

   |   By Julie Aubé

A visit to the maritime regions of Québec is obviously an opportunity to savour fish, seafood and other delicacies from the St. Lawrence. Since these regions are also agricultural, they offer many other flavours to discover and rediscover. From beer and wine to boreal products, berries and edible flowers, here are 13 flavours to discover during your next trip to the eastern part of La Belle Province.

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